Shred Exercise Shredding Exercise

10 Minutes Daily Shred Exercise / Guitar Lesson With Guitar Pro Tabs and Mp3

You can download the shred exercise guitar pro tab at end of the article.

This lesson was Originally Made by BadBikaDamo. I practiced these lessons when I was an intermediate guitar player and these lessons are really effective .. Create a plan and finish at least 1 lesson every day and after 10 days I am sure your playing will be much better. Start slowly like in 50% Tempo.

All these guitar exercises are in ‘C’

Lesson 1 : Ionian Alternative Picking Guitar Lesson

Ionian Alternate Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 2: Dorian Economy Picking Guitar Lesson

Dorian Economy Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 3: Phyrigian Legato Guitar Lesson

Lesson 4: Lydian Tapping Guitar Lesson

Lydian Tapping Guitar Lesson

Lesson 5: Mixolydian Tremolo Picking Guitar Lesson

Mixolydian Tremolo Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 6: Aeolian Tril Technique Guitar Lesson

Aeolian Tril Technique Guitar Lesson

Lesson 7: Locrian Finger Picking Guitar Lesson

Locrian Finger Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 8: Sweep Picking Guitar Lesson

Sweep Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 9: Pentatonic Sweep , Pentatonic Hammer On Guitar Lesson

Pentatonic Sweep, Pentatonic Hammer-On Guitar Lesson

Lesson 10: String Skipping Pentatonic and Tapping Guitar Lesson

All the notes in this tab are the scale of C played in different positions on the guitar neck.

To play any mode in C (for example, soloing in a certain mode over the chord of C), play the

mode shape is shown below but move the whole shape to start with the note C, 8th fret.

To play C Dorian rather than the D Dorian showed, play the Dorian shape below,

but move the whole shape to start with the note C, 8th fret, rather than the note D, 10th fret.

To play C Phrygian, play the Phrygian scale shape below but start with the note C, 8th fret, etc etc…

This works for all the shapes, so if somebody is strumming the chord of A and wants you to solo

in A Lydian mode over this, play the Lydian mode shape shown below, but move it to start with

the note A, 5th fret or 17th fret.

If somebody is strumming the F chord and wants you to solo in the Locrian mode over this,

play the Locrian shape as shown below, but start with the F note on the 1st or 11th fret.

If they move to the Bb chord, stick to the same Locrian mode shape, but move the whole shape to

start with a Bb, 6th fret.

You can also download Guitar Pro Tab for all these lesson here :

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About Nick Mitchell

Nick Mitchell is a talented guitar shredder and a skilled writer who has been providing valuable insights and tips to guitar enthusiasts for many years. He is the lead writer and editor of, a website dedicated to providing guitar enthusiasts with expert tips, lessons, and reviews. Nick has been playing guitar for over a decade, and has honed his skills through years of practice and dedication. He is well-versed in various genres and styles of music, and is particularly passionate about rock and metal. He has a deep understanding of the technical aspects of guitar playing, and is able to convey this knowledge in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. In addition to his skills as a guitar player, Nick is also an experienced writer. He is able to take complex concepts and make them accessible to readers of all skill levels. He has a natural talent for explaining difficult concepts in a way that is easy to understand, making him an ideal teacher for guitar enthusiasts of all levels. Nick's articles on are always well-researched and informative, and cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of guitar playing to advanced techniques and gear reviews. He has a keen eye for detail and is always looking for ways to improve his own playing and the content of the website.

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