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10 Minutes Daily Shred Exercise / Guitar Lesson With Guitar Pro Tabs and Mp3

Shred Exercise Shredding Exercise

Shred Exercise Shredding Exercise

You can download the shred exercise guitar pro tab at end of the article.

This lesson was Originally Made by BadBikaDamo. I practiced these lessons when I was an intermediate guitar player and these lessons are really effective .. Create a plan and finish at least 1 lesson every day and after 10 days I am sure your playing will be much better. Start slowly like in 50% Tempo.

All these guitar exercises are in ‘C’

Lesson 1 : Ionian Alternative Picking Guitar Lesson

Ionian Alternate Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 2: Dorian Economy Picking Guitar Lesson

Dorian Economy Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 3: Phyrigian Legato Guitar Lesson

Lesson 4: Lydian Tapping Guitar Lesson

Lydian Tapping Guitar Lesson

Lesson 5: Mixolydian Tremolo Picking Guitar Lesson

Mixolydian Tremolo Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 6: Aeolian Tril Technique Guitar Lesson

Aeolian Tril Technique Guitar Lesson

Lesson 7: Locrian Finger Picking Guitar Lesson

Locrian Finger Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 8: Sweep Picking Guitar Lesson

Sweep Picking Guitar Lesson

Lesson 9: Pentatonic Sweep , Pentatonic Hammer On Guitar Lesson

Pentatonic Sweep, Pentatonic Hammer-On Guitar Lesson

Lesson 10: String Skipping Pentatonic and Tapping Guitar Lesson

All the notes in this tab are the scale of C played in different positions on the guitar neck.

To play any mode in C (for example, soloing in a certain mode over the chord of C), play the

mode shape is shown below but move the whole shape to start with the note C, 8th fret.

To play C Dorian rather than the D Dorian showed, play the Dorian shape below,

but move the whole shape to start with the note C, 8th fret, rather than the note D, 10th fret.

To play C Phrygian, play the Phrygian scale shape below but start with the note C, 8th fret, etc etc…

This works for all the shapes, so if somebody is strumming the chord of A and wants you to solo

in A Lydian mode over this, play the Lydian mode shape shown below, but move it to start with

the note A, 5th fret or 17th fret.

If somebody is strumming the F chord and wants you to solo in the Locrian mode over this,

play the Locrian shape as shown below, but start with the F note on the 1st or 11th fret.

If they move to the Bb chord, stick to the same Locrian mode shape, but move the whole shape to

start with a Bb, 6th fret.

You can also download Guitar Pro Tab for all these lesson here :

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