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5 Guitar Licks For Shredders (With Guitar Tab)

Shredding guitar licks

Shredding guitar licks

In This Post I will Give 5 Guitar Licks for Intermediate / Advance Guitar Shredders with Audio, Tabs And Guitar Pro File. Those are very effective lessons and i practiced them a lot once. I will post more licks like this in future Guitar licks For Shredders Series, keep following and learning them an i am sure you will be much comfortable in shredding : )

Guitar Lick 1:

First One Is A Legato. But not an easy one , practice slowly and increase speed. Try to achieve same speed as the one in Guitar Pro / Mp3 File. Its a Paul Gilbert Style Legato Guitar Lick.
Legato Guitar Lick 1 Tab

Guitar Lick 2

Another legato lick but this one i guess easier than above one.
Legato Guitar Lick 2 Tab

Guitar Lick 3: A Fast G Major Run Lick

A fast Guitar Lick in G Major. A tip for you is, when i first learnt this lick i also tried to figured out the backup of this licks and thats very interesting pratice. This will help you your sense of music. I suggest you to do this for all licks you learn.
G major Run Guitar Tab

Guitar Lick 4: Another fast guitar run

Another fast guitar run. Try to pick it up in same tempo.
A fast guitar run

Guitar Lick 5: Diminished guitar lick by Michael Angelo

I would say the toughest one. Try to learn the note first in slow tempo then try to play in exact same tempo as the tab.

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