• Guitar modes are variations of scales that start on different notes within the same key, each producing a distinct sound and mood. By learning and applying modes, guitarists can add depth and variety to their solos, riffs, and compositions. Whether you’re aiming for a bright, major feel or a darker, minor tone, mastering guitar modes […]

  • The C minor pentatonic scale is a five-note scale that is derived from the C natural minor scale by selecting specific notes. The structure of the scale includes: In the key of C minor, the notes of the pentatonic scale would be: C, Eb, F, G, Bb or C D# F G A# The Cm […]

  • Excellent Chording in the Song- Surrounded – Dream Theater I believe if you want to be a good composer, the first thing we should focus on more is Chording. When writing the original song, we often stick with common chording’s that have already been used on millions of songs.  In this “Song with great Chording” […]

  • Tired with same rhytm patterns thats already used in 1000 other songs ? Here we go … I tried to remember Songs with Interesting Rhythms and able to remembered 5 songs that have diffrent rhythm patterns or at least a bit different… Let me know more songs in comment section… 1. Ei Bidaye by Artcell […]

  • In This Post I will Give 5 Guitar Licks for Intermediate / Advance Guitar Shredders with Audio, Tabs And Guitar Pro File. Those are very effective lessons and i practiced them a lot once. I will post more licks like this in future Guitar licks For Shredders Series, keep following and learning them an i […]

  • In this post we compiled list of great Randy Rhoads moments picked by some of the great musicians. Randy Rhoads was inpiration for lot of them. Dimebag Darrell (Pantera / Damageplan) – Diary of a madman “This song shows a bit of most everything Randy could do. He wrote in a similar dark, heavy-sounding vein […]

  • A dominant 7th chord is a chord that is made up of a root note, a major 3rd, a perfect 5th, and a flatted 7th Note (Or 7th note from minor Scale). It is called a “dominant” chord because it is often used to resolve to the tonic chord in a piece of music. One […]

  • A chord progression is a sequence of chords played in a piece of music. The most common type of chord progression in Western music is the major chord progressions. This progression is built on the foundation of the major scale. A songwriter/ musician / Guitarist can mix and match chords from other scales and modes […]

  • An odd time signature is a musical time signature that does not have a simple whole-number ratio between the number of beats in a measure and the note value that represents one beat. Examples of odd time signatures include 5/4, 7/8, or 11/4,These time signatures can create a complex and irregular rhythmic feel, and are […]

  • What is Harmonic Minor Chord Scale? To form a harmonic minor chord scale, we use the notes of the harmonic minor scale to build chords using a specific formula. Harmonic Minor has a distinct sound due to the raised seventh degree of the scale, which is a half step higher than the natural minor scale. […]