Categories: Album Review, Interview

by Michael Yarbrough


Randy Rhoads Moments

In this post we compiled list of great Randy Rhoads moments picked by some of the great musicians. Randy Rhoads was inpiration for lot of them.

Dimebag Darrell (Pantera / Damageplan) – Diary of a madman

“This song shows a bit of most everything Randy could do. He wrote in a similar dark, heavy-sounding vein as Tony lommi, but he was more versatile. Randy could mix classical play­ing with the demonic stuff. The guitar solo on this song sounds like it fell from the heavens’ I love how he multitracked his guitar to get a really wide sound. Rhoads was just a little dude who exuded classiness, from the way he played to the way he dressed. There’s no telling where guitar playing would be today ifhe were still with us.” (Originally printed in Guitar World, February 2005) !I

Zakk Wylde (Ozzy Osbourne / Black label Society) – Over The Mountain

“Man, I remember hearing this at the time with my friends, and we were all totally psyched. Eddie Van Halen was the only guy in· those days, and suddenly here was this Ozzy record with Randy Rhoads, and now we had two top guys. And their styles were mind­blowing, but different. Eddie
was just more fuckin’ insane and off-the-cuff-an incredible impro­viser-whereas with Randy it was about the songwriting and how he would write out and structure his solos.”

Mark Morton (Lamb of god) – Diary of madman

“Of all the killer Randy tracks, this is among the smartest. ln fact, it’s one of the more abstract, dissonant songs from that era. The chords and notes he chose to play literally sound deranged. lt’s actually uncom­fortable to listen to because the chords are so atonal. I think that working and touring with Ozzy, Randy found himself in the middle of insanity, and it bled out of his instrument. Its magical!

Nick Hippa (As i lay dying) – Dee

”Randy will always be my favorite guitar player. When I was young­er, this song made an impact on
how I thought about music and approached the guitar. Here, Randy was embracing a style of music that was so far removed from what he was usually playing. It gave the sense that he was open to all forms and styles of music. I’ve always tried to pursue that goal. rather than be just a metal guitar player.”

Mick Thompson (Slipknot) – Goodbye To Romance

“I only like the ozzy albums with Randy on guitar. I really respect solos that are technically accomplished and say some­ thing, and the solo on ‘Goodbye to Romance’ is a great example of a lyrical guitar solo. It’s one of those leads that makes me cry-a composition within a composition.”

Jerry Cantrell (Alice in chains) – Tonight

“I’d pick this one for Randy’s guitar solo alone, which, in terms of emotive power, is in the same class as David Gilmour’s on’Comfortably Numb.’ This isn’t one of the harder rocking things he did, it’s almost a ballad in a way, though it definitely picks up in the choruses, which have some great chords. That solo is so sad yet beautiful, but it’s not completely down. In fact, it’s really uplifting.”

Jack Black (Tenacious D & Actor) – REVELATION (MOTHER EARTH)

“It starts off like a slow epic with songs and lyrics about ‘The Mother of all Creation I think we’re all going wrong.’ But then at the end it turns into this hard-rocking explosion, as Randy goes into this face-melt­ing classical solo. Delicious.”

Jon Donais (Shadows Fall) – Mr Crowely

“It’s like the national anthem of guitar solos.”

I will add more randy rhoads moments later in this post..

Read More : The 25 best albums of all time – You Must Own! (Based on guitar works)

Check: String Skipping Exercises

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