• Master the Am6 Pentatonic Guitar Shredding Exercise – 2 Licks with Tab to take your soloing skills to the next level. This exercise focuses on rapid alternate picking and smooth legato techniques, perfect for players looking to add some advanced flavor to their solos. Each lick is broken down with precise tabs to guide you […]

  • African Guitar Rhythm Lesson part -3. In this series, we delve into the rhythms that have shaped African music for centuries. This lesson highlights the historical roots of these intricate patterns, tracing their influence on contemporary guitar styles. You’ll learn to play rhythms inspired by traditional African music, blending them with modern techniques to create […]

  • In this continuation of our African Rhythm Guitar Tab series, we dive deeper into the intricate patterns that define this rich musical tradition. Building on the foundational rhythms from Part 1, this lesson introduces more complex syncopations and variations that will challenge your timing and coordination. The provided tabs will guide you through each step, […]