Categories: Guitar Rhythm

by Nazmus Sakib


African Rhythm Lesson with Guitar Tab -  Part 1

African rhythm is an integral part of African music, deeply rooted in the continent’s cultural and social practices. It has a rich history that spans hundreds of years, influencing various musical genres worldwide, from jazz to rock, and even contemporary pop music.

In this lesson, you’ll explore the unique and captivating world of African rhythms on the guitar. We’ll break down complex rhythmic patterns into manageable sections, making it easier for you to understand and play along. This first part introduces you to the foundational grooves and percussive techniques that are essential to African music. With detailed guitar tabs provided, you can practice and internalize these rhythms, enhancing your timing and overall musicality. Whether you’re new to these styles or looking to deepen your rhythmic skills, this lesson is a great starting point.

Note: These rhythms are played by A Major chord. But you can practice these rhythm with any chord or chord progression.

Rhythm 1 :

Listen the audio:

Here is the Tab:

African Rhythm 2 :

Rhythm 3 :

Lesson 4 :

African Rhythm 5 :

African Rhythm Lesson

Lesson 6 :

African Rhythm Lesson

African Rhythm 7 :

African Rhythm Lesson

Rhythm 8 :

African Rhythm Lesson

Here is the main guitar tab :

Download African Rhythm Part -1

Hope you enjoyed these rhythm. Best of luck for your Musical journey.

Also check:

African Rhythm Guitar Tab –  Part 2

African Guitar Rhythm with Tab –  Part 3

Brazilian Rhythm: Bossanova Guitar Lesson with Tabs

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